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Easy to Use E-commerce Builder

Publish Your Store Within Seconds!

Launch your ecommerce store using our interactive interface builder, modern pre-built templates, dedicated dashboard and alot more within just few clicks, so you just need to focus on your ecommerce business and let us handle all the technical stuff for you.

Show case of our build stores

  • Tritonia


    Health & Wellness

  • Cozmetica


    Beauty Essentials

  • Deeds


    Home & Living

  • namsports


    Sports & Fitness


Let Your Mind The WOW with Our Premium Features so Your Business can Grow!

  • ellipseTemplate Builder

    Template Builder

    Using Orderain's template builder you can craft your store the way you want without having any technical knowledge with full control.

  • ellipseMulti-store


    Orderain offers your to manage multiple stores from a single dashboard. You can easily manage your stores from one place.

  • ellipsePre-built Templates

    Pre-built Templates

    Orderain provides you the range of pre-built templates for your ecommerce store, so you just pick & change design as per your need

  • ellipseResponsive & Dynamic Blocks

    Responsive & Dynamic Blocks

    Dynamic & responsive web blocks components allows you to shape any component with the style you like.

  • ellipseInventory and Tax Management

    Inventory and Tax Management

    Orderain gives option to manage your inventory & tax for each shop, you can assign tax for any of your product.

  • ellipseStaff Management

    Staff Management

    Orderain gives you the ability to manage your staff and assign them roles and permissions to manage your store.

  • ellipseCustomer Portal

    Customer Portal

    Orderain advanced ecommerce store provide you customer portal for your ecommerce store, where your customer can manage their orders and account.

  • ellipsePlugins & Integrations

    Plugins & Integrations

    Orderain allows you to add plugins available in our library so you can one step forward and upto date with market.

Smooth apps integration with your store

orderain integration background desktop

Let Your Mind The WOW with Our Premium Features so Your Business can Grow!

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  • global icon

    Food & Beverage

  • global icon


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    + 30 Templates


Stay ahead in the fashion industry with Orderain's latest plugins, designed to keep you in vogue and competitive.

orderain feature image

Don’t just take our word for it - Schedule a demo & experience the Orderain difference yourself.